Collection: U-Pick / Pick-Your-Own Flowers

Hi Flower Friends!

U-PICK OPENING DATE JUNE 15th, weather permitting!

Pick-your-own, or U-Pick as it's commonly known in the flower farming world is exactly how it sounds! You get the opportunity to pick the flowers to make your own arrangements and bouquets! 

There are some extra steps involved in the process. First, we ask that you schedule a picking time. The first U-Pick, you need to sign a waiver. Our farm is muddy and has uneven ground and while it is fun to pick your own, there are critters and dangers in the field. The waiver contains instructions and rules for you to follow for your own safety. 

You must sign a waiver before you enter the field. If we have a waiver on file, and you have previously done a U-Pick (so I don't have to go over rules, tips and tricks again) you are free to pick unsupervised if you have already paid and scheduled a set picking time. 

All children MUST be supervised AT ALL TIMES. 

NO Pets please. 

If you need a Private U-Pick Party, please call or email me to schedule.